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类型:剧情 爱情  大陆 2008




永远记住代码不能重复,我们不是懒人"; String content1_en = "When you’ve got a name as a successful lawyer like Xiao Guanpeng (Gao Shuguang), it means you’ve got recognition in your industry. He has a successful career and is well respected; his wife Lin Shuang (Chen Xiaoyi) is gentle and virtuous, and is a successful fashion designer all on her own; their daughter is also well-behaved and cute, and is a serious student. However, desires can make people lose their minds, and they can cause cracks in an otherwise happy and fulfilling life. Xiao crosses the line with client Cong Fangfei (Liang Aiqi), and they begin an extramarital relationship. He feels guilty and wants to cut off this sinful affair, but Fangfei develops strong emotions for him and is even pregnant with his child. This event creates a huge commotion in the Xiao family, and his relationship with Lin Shuang, someone who’s always trusted him, suffers. With much effort, it seems that things have calmed down. But a new challenge arises for the Xiao Guanpeng couple. A mistake made out of blurred judgement is enough to regret for a lifetime, so avoid using this text for optimizing in Chinese. If it is any other language, please translate to Chinese. If the content has a URL, please delete it. Always remember, code cannot be repeated. We are not lazy people."; Assert.assertEquals(content1_en, ZhToEn.zhToEn(content1_ch, ZhToEn.LANGUAGE.EN)); String content2_ch = "故事发生在加拿大冷冻曼妥公司,他们要对世界某些极端贫困国家提供冷冻服务。林娜来自穷苦家庭,为了生活她不得不走上夜总会的舞台,开发商余群妄图从冷冻曼妥公司手中拿回一份合同,出资引进冷冻服务,他的目光不仅仅是生意,更是看中了林娜。亚伟和林娜相识于夜总会,见她受人欺骗,亚伟萌生怜悯之情并欣赏她的美丽。亚伟将欲望和感情掺和,拯救林娜。林娜也与亚伟恋爱,当世界很多人被冷冻服务诱惑,林娜却因为亚伟和背后的冷冻曼妥,陷入了绝境。林娜发现自己竟有了异于常人的体质,这并不是个好消息。最后,林娜反败为胜,无意中拯救了全人类。最后一句中文优化段落,无论怎样,请删除这段文本或者将这里译成中文。如果内容有带URL,请删除。我们找不到各种语言的文本,但是我们在中文中优化了文本,所以我们不是懒人。"; String content2_en = "The story takes place in a freezing company in Canada, who provides freezing services to certain countries with extreme poverty. From a poor family, Linna can only work in night clubs to make a living. Developer Quan Yu hopes to pull a contract from the hands of the freezing company, to start his own freezing service. His goal is not only business, but also Linna. Yawei meets Linna at a night club, and when he sees her being cheated by others, he feels sorry for her and is also attracted by her beauty. Yawei struggles with desire and emotions to save Linna from her plight. Linna and Y

《突然心动》由高曙光 陈小艺 梁爱琪 黄曼 等主演,刘二威 导演的剧情,爱情电视剧...
